Our Challenges & Ambitions

Please note that this page is more than six months old and the information it contains may be out of date. Please contact towndeal@hastings.co.uk if you have any specific questions.

While Hastings is a great place to live, work and visit, like many coastal towns it also has a set of unique challenges. Not everyone in Hastings enjoys a good quality of life and the same opportunities that others do. Hastings remains the 13th most deprived town in England with a quarter of children living in poverty. Although there has been considerable investment in employment, business, road infrastructure, the new college and station and other regeneration projects, there is still a way to go to tackle the challenges set out below.


In many aspects, prior to COVID-19 the town was at a significant moment in terms of regeneration. Our tourism sector, vital to Hastings’ economy, grew to 3.8 million tourism day trips in 2019, a rise of 12% compared to 2018. 2019 was quite different to 2020 and, it appears 2021 too, with COVID-19 almost completely wiping out all trips from international visitors, and all events and our fantastic festivals. The economic, skills, investment, social and health challenges facing Hastings is being further impacted by COVID-19. This is having far-reaching consequences for all parts of the borough and without appropriate interventions will further widen the health and economic inequalities in the town.

We however believe that we are at a turning point and the opportunities created by the Town Deal funding programme and our Investment Plan will kick start the next stage of our renewal of inclusive growth, with greater and better direct benefits to our residents living in the most deprived areas.


Our Four Key Challenges & Ambitions


Our Four Key Challenges and Ambitions are derived from an extensive ‘past’ and ‘present’ evidence and stakeholder engagement base. This includes the Hastings & Rother Task Force Review, the new Local Plan and the SE Coastal Communities Economic Prospectus and our work with the Town Board, as well as community-level data.

1. Jobs & enterprise growth

The aim is to create more skilled jobs, much needed new business and enterprises for start-ups and to prepare residents for future jobs and raise aspirations for our young people and residents.


2. Forgotten history & assets

A vibrant, artistic, creative town with a recognised identity and sense of pride, which builds upon the opportunities Hastings has to flourish. A town with an incredible built and natural environment that celebrates its history and maximises the benefits it brings for its community.

3. Disconnected, unloved town centre

A thriving, well-connected town, a vibrant and sustainable town centre, embracing our independents alongside our national retail offer, with a viable evening economy. A place where our community and visitors feel safe with a sense of well-being and purpose, enhanced by its surroundings and reveling in its creative diversity.


4. Lack of quality housing

Delivering new and retrofitted affordable, high quality, sustainable homes and cohesive, well-engaged communities. This ambition can only be achieved if the other challenges are met and cannot be delivered in isolation.


Some of the comments we’ve received


“Kick-start new ventures and reappropriate many of the empty shops in the town centre by offering these spaces to new businesses at subsidised start-up rates”.

— Hastings Resident

“We have a serious issue with the lack of housing for young people and there’s not sufficient support for the homeless long term”.

— Hastings Resident

“Maybe some form of leisure centre? Think about the amount of jobs it would make and create more spaces for businesses”.

— Hastings Resident

“Really focus on nurturing our youth and encouraging them into work and better health, steering them away from crime and drugs and empowering them to become better adults”.

— Hastings Resident

“A diversity hub where all cultures and young adults can access a platform to support evident needs in our community”.

— Hastings Resident

“Invest this money in more affordable housing and support for the homeless long term”.

— Hastings Resident

“Create more creative hubs that encourage internships, apprenticeships and entrepreneurialism”.

— Hastings Resident